Pleasure-seekers, unite!
Earn up to 19% commission with our affiliate program.
Smile Makers in a few words.
At Smile Makers, we create innovative, playful sexual wellness products that celebrate and prioritize pleasure. As a Smile Makers affiliate, you’ll get rewarded for sharing the love with friends, family and your community.

How it works.
- We send you unique tracking links that can be used on your website, social posts and newsletters.
- For every purchase made within the 30-day window, you’ll earn a commission of up to 19%.
- You also get access to exclusive offers, discounts, and FREE products to review

How do I sign up?
Step 1
Create your affiliate account on the Impact platform.
Step 2
Select your payment method, as well as read and agree to the 'Public Terms'.
Step 3
Check your email for a confirmation link. Click on that link and follow the directions to verify and finish up your application.
Step 4
Join our Affiliate programme and start earning.

Want to join?
Our affiliate program is managed via the Impact platform. Sign up below to get started!