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03 Dec 2017 (Last updated 26 Jun 2023)

Tips for good intimate care

Sexual Health 3 min read
flatlay of condoms, lube and intimate wipes

Women’s intimate parts are more sensitive to infections. The skin is more delicate, it gets exposed to more bacteria, and it is by nature warm and humid, the ideal mold for bacteria to proliferate.

But not to worry, our body knows how to defend itself and it’s easy to give it a little help. And we’ve collected women’s health tips for the best intimate hygiene routine.

Have sex: it plays a big part in women’s health.

We start with the best part: SEX! Sex is good for your health. When you have sex and you orgasm, your body releases hormones that help you destress, sleep better and that boost your mood. It alleviates pain. It impacts your physical and psychological health. Its benefits can actually show on your face by the glow of your skin!

And not only couple sex. Solo sex is a beautiful way to appreciate your own body, learn to know it better, explore and educate your libido and ultimately to enjoy sex more with your partner.

Sexual health is actually the subject of medical studies and NGOs programs around family planning, because of its many ramifications with public health!

Don’t disturb your body’s natural environment.

First of all, to maintain a “healthy” and stable environment, your vagina’s pH level should be kept between 3,8 – 4,5. At this level, it provides a good environment for the “good” bacteria. So what does that mean for your everyday intimate hygiene?

  • Don’t wash and scrub too much
  • Don’t use scented soap, they can disrupt the natural vaginal bacteria flow. Plain water really works the best, but if you wish to use soap, use one with a pH less than 7.
  • Wear cotton underwear! The lighter and more breathable fabric ensures that air can circulate.
  • Use a menstrual cup as it doesn’t absorb but collects the flow and thereby doesn’t soak up any natural and necessary vaginal secretions.

Have a good period hygiene.

Choose your menstrual product carefully.

Think about it: we carefully consider the products we apply to our skin and what we put inside our bodies so why wouldn’t we think about what our menstrual products contain. As they are in contact with the most sensitive part of our body, it’s with checking their material and ingredients!

Change it when needed.

If you use a tampon or pad, you should remember to change it regularly (how often depends on your flow and the product recommendations). Menstrual cups can be worn for up to 12 hours and collect the flow instead of absorbing it. You can use lubricant for easier insertion. Between changes you simply rinse with water and when you’ve finished your period you sterilize it with boiling water.

When on the go.

Sometimes it’s difficult to change your menstrual product when you are on the go. Change to a fresh tampon or pad before you are off and carry an extra one on you.

Alternatively, a menstrual cup lasts 2 to 3 times longer than a pad or tampon (up to 12 hours). And if you don’t have access to water, simply clean it with toilet paper.

…And a good intimate hygiene during and after sex!

Sex is all about pleasure so to make sure nothing comes ruining it, make sure to have these simple reflexes for a good sexual hygiene!

Get protected.

Starting with the basis, but we can’t say it enough: there is always a risk for STD so use a condom to protect you and your partner before you decide to be exclusive and get tested!

Choose safe intimate products.

Condoms and lubricants are in direct contact with a very sensitive skin, the membrane of which absorbs quickly what you put on it. Here are our tips to choose a lube:

  • Water-based lubricants are the easiest ones for your body to eliminate hence the most hygienic.
  • Most lubricants on the market today use paraben as a conservative, which is suspected to be endocrine disruptor. So, don’t forget to check the ingredient list!
  • Fragrance can irritate your skin and your partner’s. If you feel it does, go for a fragrance-free lube

Make sure you follow these simple rules.

  1. Pee after sex.
  2. Don’t alternate anal penetration with vaginal penetration without washing. It is also true with fingers, mouth and toys.
  3. Clean your intimate parts after sex: take a shower or some feminine hygiene swipes if you’re on the go
  4. Clean your vibrator after use with a body-safe product like an intimate soap that is perfume free and paraben-free.
For sexual wellness content that inspires even more pleasure in your life, follow @SmileMakersCollection - or check out our colorful collection of different types of vibrators for beginners and beyond.
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